About Badass Higher Self

My Story:

My name is Carolina Nella, I have been on a spiritual/ personal growth journey since I can remember, and always felt called towards this path… The past five years I have FULLY dived into the world of spirituality. Instead of going the traditional college route… I spent the years studying spirituality, manifestation, mind power, healing, and so much more…

To accelerate my spiritual journey even further… In 2021, after being fed up with working a job that didn’t fulfill me. I took a leap of faith, and went solo traveling for 3 months. I had no real plan for this trip. I relied on blind faith in the universe that I would find everything I was looking for. When I stepped into the flow, I was guided to all the people, experiences, and (of course) lessons I needed…

After this surreal journey I came back with many new insights that I am excited to share with the world. Although I’ve had many “ups” in life, I’ve also had many “downs.” I’ve killed so many old versions of myself and reinvented myself many, many times… I’ve had periods in my life where I felt unmotivated, stuck, and so lost.

But every time I’ve pulled myself out of it, and come back much stronger and wiser. That is why it is my mission to help others step into the most badass, highest version of themselves, and create the life of their dreams!